FRIENDS OF ST LAURENCE CHORLEY COMMITTEE MEETING SATURDAY July 13, 10.30 at ST LAURENCE Refectory MINUTES Present: Father Neil; Michael Welsh; James Laidler; Karen Pemberton; Alistair Morwood; Paul Lengden; Bernard Oakley; Margaret Shackleton; Jane Morwood Apologies: John Davies; Anne Wray; Mark Baybutt Note: John Davies was unlikely to be available to the Committee until later in the year. Chairman’s Opening Remarks: Michael reminded the Committee that the Organisation (Friends of St Laurence) was in the very early stages of development and constantly exploring new ways of doing things. Inevitably some initiatives would fail to deliver so the process of exploration would continue. its infancy, exploring new territory. Recently progress had been slow but plenty of discussions were taking place about possible projects that would hopefully develop as fund raising opportunities. He went on to welcome Karen Pemberton to the Committee, who had accepted a temporary role as Membership and Recruitment Team Leader.
1.Minutes of Previous Meeting, April 13 2019
Acceptance: The minutes were accepted by the Committee.
Matters Arising: None
2.Team Reports Secretary – Jane Morwood:
Communications received since April 13:
No communications received since the previous meeting.
Friends/Associate numbers update: Numbers remain static. Approx. 55 households had pledged. Unfulfilled pledges would no longer be pursued.
Treasurer – Mark Baybutt: The treasurer’s report had been circulated. £4676 was held by the Friends, including the ‘Just Giving’ sums. Mark to resolve a minor financial anomaly. Michael recommended that £500 be transferred from the FoSL Bank Account to the Window ‘Just Giving’ appeal. Mark Baybutt and James Laidler to agree a method of transferring funds to the ‘Just Giving’ account. This was accepted by the Committee. Website and Social Media Platforms – Anne Wray: A report was presented to the Committee, regarding a method of capturing contactless/chip and pin donations using a card/phone payment reader known as the ‘Goodbox’. It was noted this could be useful for accepting donations from visitors to the Church in particular those wishing to have photographs taken by the Standish Pew. The outlay would be £210 with an ongoing 2 ½ % per transaction. Jane asked if foreign visitors’ bank payment options ie contactless cards/phone payments would be able to operate in the UK. The Committee approved the report in principle, pending investigation of the limits of foreign bank payment options. In addition, regarding the Standish Pew, the social media team were asked to make recommendations for the delivery of the Standish Pew refurbishment, including new lighting. Action: Web/Social Media Group Father Neil advised that Tony Checker who was the Chair of the Fabric Committee should be engaged in this project. Alistair advised that the Web/Social Media team continued to post variety of photographs which was resulting in increased visits/’hits’ to the Friends website and social media pages. ‘Wednesday Walkabout’, a monthly video of historically interesting sites located within the Parish Boundary, continued to generate support from viewers with 235 ‘hits’, and was building up interest amongst Chorley folk. Michael advised interest in the Friends was being generated by such ‘posts’ but this was a gradual process and we should not expect too much too soon. Membership and Recruitment – Karen Pemberton: The team was rebuilding under Karen’s leadership. No positive responses had been received since Michael’s email requesting volunteers to contact Karen. It is clear that Karen needs the support of a team to carry through the recruitment function and members were asked to come up with names of people to be approached as it was clear that sending out emails did not produce results. If FoSL is to succeed we have to find ways of attracting volunteers and supporters from outside the small of regular helpers that carries out most Parish functions. In addition to Paul’s pocketsize Contact Card, a leaflet had been devised with a ‘tickbox’ for volunteers to complete along with their contact details. Both of these items to be handed out at the Chorley Flower Show, last weekend in July. Committee approved the printing of these items. In addition there was also the existing pledge card. Father Neil made a request for the fonts/printing styles to match the Church’s ‘Style’. It was agreed that Karen would liaise with Anne Wray and Paul and make sure that we had a single coherent set of cards and leaflets. The Associate Membership option was currently a blank page on the Website This was a category of membership that had not been marketed and it needed to be properly explained and promoted, we needed to decide what benefits could be offered to Associates and full Members to stimulate recruitment. Karen to discuss further with Anne Wray regarding the website. Action: Karen/Michael. It was suggested by Bernard Oakley that an item be included in the Parish Magazine to explain the membership options and also to mention the Standish Pew Refurbishment. Action: Karen/Anne Father Neil suggested that there were opportunities amongst Baptism Families for the Friends membership to be promoted. (Note: Joan Davies?Hayward? had commenced looking at the recent Baptism registers to see if further contact was welcomed. Suggest Karen speak to Joan before retracing these steps). Action: Karen (to speak to Joan Davies?Hayward?). Local Affinity Groups – Alistair Morwood: No progress to report. By creating interest in the Church, perhaps at the Christmas Tree Festival, Groups may take an interest e.g. sign up to Friends for £100 donation and receive a free Christmas Tree. Local Business and Sponsorship – Michael Welsh: Had contacted Sarah Bryan from Bees Country Kitchen. Sarah had developed the ‘Totally Locally’ Initiative. Michael to discuss the possibility of Businesses sponsoring ‘projects’ eg Open Table, in return for being acknowledged on a ‘local sponsors’ section of the website. Action: Michael/Anne Wray (Website). Sponsorship/advertising to be approached with a one off or monthly donation. The appeals for the Church projects would need to resonate with the Community to attract interest. In addition to those identified, some more socially oriented, secular projects were required to attract interest from local business sponsors. Michael to produce a discussion paper regarding local sponsorship. Action: Michael. 3.Progress Reports Charitable Status – Jane Morwood: Simon Robinson’s secretary had indicated that the CIO submission would be made by week ending 14 July. Jane to confirm this week beginning 15 July. Action: Jane Newsletters – Michael Welsh: These had been printed and awaited distribution. Jane to assist Karen with formatting distribution outlets/routes. Action: Karen/Jane The next newsletter would focus on the story of the Mayflower. Projects Update – Mark Baybutt, Anne Wray
Just Giving - The just giving donations had not increased since their launch. It was suggested that there was some reticence to donate to the window and organ appeal. A question was raised about the priority for these two projects in view of the serious condition of the roof. Father Neil identified that whilst the roof certainly was in poor repair it was the responsibility of the PCC and not the Friends, who were supporting the Church with their contribution to ‘extras’, including community orientated projects. He noted that in comparison to the two ‘Just Giving’ projects, there had been an appeal for donations for the roof at Easter and none were forthcoming. Jane noted that could some photos/appeal be put on the website explaining the poor condition of the windows/organ and the implications/urgency to these artefacts. Action: Web/Social Media Group
Chorley Flower Show – FoSL showing in the Themed Garden category. Theme: Mayflower 400yrs. Volunteers to host the Friends stand included: Saturday: Michael Welsh, Margaret Shackleton: Karen Pemberton: Paul Lengden: Jane and Alistair Morwood: Cheryl Winstanley. Sunday: No volunteers yet. Action: Rota to be devised. Action: Anne Wray/Jane Morwood.
Mayflower 2020 – Alistair advised that the Mayflower 2020 Committee’s list of projects were aspirational. A lottery bid was to be submitted by the M 2020 Committee, but there was no contingency if this failed. Projects assigned to St Laurence’s included Fireworks, Sound and Light Show and drama. The latter was unlikely to be delivered as Chorley theatre already had its Autumn Programme in place. Father Neil suggested that Fireworks and Music may be possibilities. It was noted that Myles Standish was a mercenary, in the pay of the Pilgrims, for homeland protection. Michael confirmed that the Mayflower 2020 was not a Friends project.
Alistair also advised that Chorley Council were proposing to support the Mayflower 400yrs Group, which may bring visitors to the Borough during the coming year of Mayflower activity. Action:Alistair – watching brief/liaison with Lincoln Shields Mayflower 2020 Group
External Funding Opportunities – The National Lottery Community Fund and Heritage National Lottery were the likely funders of interest regarding the Friends ‘Just Giving’ projects. However until CIO status is confirmed no funding application could be made. Jane had applied to Chorley Council’s Community Fund for the Affinity Group, The Standish Stitchers. It was noted that Jane had met a representative of Lancashire Adult Learning with a view to them delivering targeted Arts and Craft Courses at St Laurence’s in the autumn. LAL were also interested in the accommodation that may be let through the normal bookings procedure. Betty Kelly was aware.
Guide book for Church (Adam Cree/Michael Thistlethwaite). Likely to be available in the New Year 2020. Marion Rawnsley offered assistance with word processing. The Guide book emphasis would be more visual than text.
4.Round Table – Father Neil emphasised the importance of promoting Associate Membership and focus on offering some benefits. He asked that the Friends obtain a mobile phone, responsibility to be shared, to deal with Friends enquiries; with the external wifi linked to the phone. Review of Friends’ Contacts/Communications, perhaps using the Church’s formatted email address eg [email protected]. This is also linked to ‘style’ of ‘paperwork’ etc. Acton: Please could Web/Social Media Group pick up these actions/suggestions and bring a report to next Committee/buy a phone.
Jane Morwood – Privacy Statement on Website. Following the recent meeting with Simon Robinson Jane had mentioned a privacy statement for the website. However a statement would be meaningless without training in GDPR. Simon Robinson had offered to deliver training to the Friends on GDPR (which could include Church Members should they wish) Action: Jane (Autumn 2019)
5.Any other business – Arrangements for Committee Meetings to be reviewed. Action: Jane to contact Committee Members for preferences. Future Meeting Dates: 17 August - Refectory (Agenda to be issued 10 Aug) 28 September - Standish Room (Agenda to be issued 21 September) 26 October - Standish Room (Agenda to be issued 19 October) 30 November - Refectory (Agenda to be issued 23 November)